• Algiers STEM Center


    The Algiers STEM Center strengthens the innovation, critical thinking, and communication skills of the Algerian workforce via direct training of youth, targeted teacher training, and community education forums and events.

  • Online Professional English Network Program (OPEN Program)


    The Online Professional English Network (OPEN) program offers virtual learning opportunities to foreign English language educators, professionals, and learners worldwide. OPEN promotes mutual exchange of culture and provides free access to teaching and learning materials which can be reused, adapted, and shared with others.

  • Quality Instruction Towards Access and Basic Education Improvement (QITABI) 2


    Quality Instruction Towards Access and Basic Education Improvement (QITABI) 2 program aims to improve the reading, writing, and social and emotional learning skills for more than 300,000 students at public primary schools in Lebanon.

  • STEAM Discovery Center

    Saudi Arabia

    A hub for innovation where young minds flourish. The STEAM Discovery Center is an extracurricular STEAM education and teacher training institution.

  • Supporting Vulnerable Girls and Boys to Access in Education in Lebanon (Dirasa)


    The UNICEF-funded program provides quality education for students across Lebanon through multiple, flexible pathways.

  • Towards a Social and Emotional Learning Policy for Children in Lebanon


    Through this initiative, the Porticus Foundation and World Learning will build a strong and durable stakeholder commitment to SEL, evidenced by a roadmap that is responsive to the needs of students, educators, and community members alike.