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About Us
Welcome Message from Carol Jenkins
World Learning believes that the best hope for peace, justice, and sustainability lies in bringing people together. Through cultural immersion, experiential learning, and information sharing, our programs equip others to collaboratively address the most pressing issues of our time.
Throughout my years at World Learning, I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet with many of our participants, partners, and alumni—a global network of learners. Our programs help them understand other cultures, master new skills, and cultivate networks. Our teaching and training methodologies empower them to find locally relevant, sustainable, and implementable solutions. Our approaches emphasize flexibility and adaptability that help them tackle real-world problems.
They, in turn, make extraordinary changes in their lives and communities.
Please join us—and those we work with and serve around the world—in our pursuit to create a brighter and better future for all.
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Media Center
Media Coverage
For World Learning, a new way to bring together cultures: housing
The Commons | October 15, 2024
World Learning is looking to develop two parcels of land near its Vermont campus. The project, which involves building affordable multi-family housing, will help address Brattleboro's lack of affordable housing.
The PIEoneer Awards 2024: winners revealed
The PIE News | September 14, 2024
School for International Training's "Africa: See for Yourself" campaign wins marketing campaign of the year by The PIE. School for International Training is World Learning's higher education arm.
Leahy visits SIT during 60th anniversary celebration
Brattleboro Reformer | August 11, 2024
Former U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy visited School for International Training's campus to celebrate its 60th anniversary. "While in office, Leahy helped secure critical federal funding to help strengthen the New Vermonter Education Program that SIT and World Learning launched with local partners," said World Learning Board Chair Allen Cutler, introducing Leahy.
Have a foreign language love affair this summer
The New York Times | July 21, 2024
Mark Vanhoenacker, an alum of World Learning's founding program The Experiment in International Living, writes about the joys and benefits of learning a foreign language. "The language I really fell for, though, is Japanese, which I first studied during a summer home stay in Kanazawa," he says of his time with The Experiment in Japan in 1991.
SIT marks 60 years of educating ‘global citizens’
The Commons | April 3, 2024
School for International Training is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year by hosting various events that spotlight World Learning/SIT's unique history. SIT President Dr. Sophia Howlett speaks about this history and SIT's dynamic future as a 21st-century global university.
SIT celebrates 60 years of educating global citizens
Brattleboro Reformer | April 2, 2024
Celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024, School for International Training, the academic arm of World Learning, is kicking off a series of events spotlighting the institution’s unique history and its dynamic future as a 21st-century global university.
The lion in winter
The Commons | March 27, 2024
World Learning and SIT are celebrating its 60th anniversary with a half-day event on its Brattleboro, VT, campus featuring Sen. Patrick Leahy and his wife as special guests.
SIT celebrates 60 years of educating global citizens
Vermont Business Magazine | March 22, 2024
Celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024, School for International Training, the academic arm of World Learning, is kicking off a series of events spotlighting the institution’s unique history and its dynamic future as a 21st-century global university.
Williams: Preparing women in Algeria for 21st-century technological tools
Washington Informer | January 17, 2024
Yale Senior Fellow Bisa Williams writes about Algeria as a leader in Africa when it comes to promoting women’s education. She highlights World Learning's Algiers STEAM Center as a women-centered initiative that "seeks to provide youth with high-quality learning experiences emphasizing critical thinking, inquiry and problem-solving skills." Williams served as U.S. Ambassador to Niger and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and currently serves on World Learning's board of trustees.
Reauthorize the READ Act, it’s critical to the wellbeing of the next generation of world citizens
The Hill | November 16, 2023
U.S. Representative Grace Meng and World Learning CEO Carol Jenkins co-author an op-ed in support of reauthorizing the Reinforcing Education Accountability in Development (READ) Act, which expired earlier this year: "We believe that reauthorizing the READ Act is critical to the wellbeing of the next generation of the world’s citizens."
Member op-ed: With virtual exchange, young people are changing the world
Alliance for International Exchange | February 23, 2023
World Learning CEO Carol Jenkins and Stevens Initiative Executive Director Christine Shiau co-author an op-ed on the power of virtual exchange programs to provide global awareness and skill-building that can enhance college readiness, expand employment opportunities, and contribute to personal growth—all while reaching a greater number of youth who might not able to participate in traditional exchanges.
A global moment in time
This Day | February 21, 2023
“A Global Moment in Time," amulti-regional project of the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program in collaboration with World Learning, brings together 67 photojournalists from 53 countries.
Batman can’t hold a candle to you, Sen. Leahy
VT Digger | December 13, 2022
World Learning CEO Carol Jenkins writes about U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy's impact throughout his eight terms in the U.S. Senate and how he has proven to be a real-life superhero to many, including those at World Learning and School for International Training, his constituents across Vermont, and all those around the world whose lives have been improved by his leadership in diplomacy, development and peacebuilding.
World Learning builds on its 90 years of intercultural education and programs
VermontBiz | March 9, 2022
World Learning honors its 90th anniversary since the 1932 launch of its flagship program The Experiment in International Living. The program led to the establishment of both World Learning and the School for International Training.
How COVID-19 Changed Nonprofit Accounting
Sage Intacct | June 9, 2021
Kote Lomidze, World Learning CFO and senior vice president of Finance, spoke to Sage Intacct about how the pandemic impacted the ways the organization handles accounting and finances.
“Unforgettable” Journey to Norway with The Experiment
The Miami County Republic | May 15, 2021
Margaret Hays writes that her 1956 trip to Norway with The Experiment in International Living was a "life-changing" experience that helped her develop a better understanding of the world.
Discovering Understanding with The Experiment Digital
TEDx | April 28, 2021
Experiment Digital alum Nicole Muñoz gave a TEDx talk describing her experience with the program, including her virtual homestay. She also discussed her post-program project, Positive I, which examines and discusses the different facets that make up our identities to normalize differences and create a more accepting world.
A Conversation with Rhode Island College’s First Woman Dean
Rhode Island College | March 2, 2021
Dorothy Pieniadz, the first woman to hold the position of dean at Rhode Island College, led trips with The Experiment in International Living to Europe in the late 1950's and early 1960's.
Julie Taymor Discusses How Travel Shaped her Career
NBC News | December 27, 2020
Julie Taymor discusses how her time traveling, including on a program with The Experiment in International Living, influenced her award-winning career in theater and film.
Virtual Training for Young Global Leaders with Christina Thomas
WashingTech Policy Podcast | June 29, 2020
Divisional Vice President for Young Exchange Christina Thomas discusses how World Learning has used virtual programming to expand access to exchange programs and continue providing cross-cultural engagement opportunities during the pandemic.