What We Do
About Us
Welcome Message from Carol Jenkins
For more than 90 years, World Learning has equipped individuals and institutions to address the world’s most pressing problems. We believe that, working together with our partners, we can change this world for the better.
On my travels, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with many of those who have joined us in this mission. In Baghdad, we’ve trained more than 2,300 Iraqi youth who are already giving back at home. In London, our partners in the TAAP Initiative strongly believe that we are all responsible to practice inclusion. And in Vermont, our Experiment in International Living and School for International Training participants prove every day that they have the tools and the determination to change the world.
Please join us in our pursuit of a more peaceful and just world.
- Get Involved
Teaching Struggling Readers Around the World Massive Online Open Course (MOOC)
The Teaching Struggling Readers Around the World Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) explored how children learn to read and shared techniques for helping kids to read successfully.
Ukraine Undergraduate Academic Exchange for STEM and Entrepreneurship (UUAESE)
The Ukraine Undergraduate Academic Exchange for STEM and Entrepreneurship (UUAESE) provided an ambitious group of aspiring professionals in the science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and entrepreneurship fields with a scholarship for one semester of non-degree academic study at a U.S. college or university.
USAID Skills for Youth Project
The Skills for Youth Project (SYP) engaged Pakistani youth living in the critical stabilization areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) with certified ICT skills and links to employment opportunities.
USAID Training For Pakistan
USAID Training for Pakistan Project is a five-year, $20 million project that will provide training and capacity building services to address issues such as violent extremism, economic growth, and democracy and governance.
Virtual Madrassa English Language Teacher Teaching (V-MELTT)
The Virtual Madrassa English Language Teacher Training Program (V-MELTT) was a virtual teacher training program that supported madrassa teachers in India in developing as professionals and teaching English in English.
WE Can Code
WE Can Code increased the interest and ability of disadvantaged youth in Jordan, particularly young women, to pursue advanced training and ultimately find or create employment in Jordan’s growing ICT sectors.
2022 YSEALI Regional Workshop: Marine Warriors
The 2022 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Regional Workshop: Marine Warriors brings together participants from ASEAN countries and Timor-Leste to examine recent environmental changes and consequences in the Central Coastal regions of Vietnam.
Women in Science Girls STEAM Camp
Namibia, United States
The WiSci Girls STEAM Camp brought together girls from around the world and the U.S. to explore STEAM fields and access mentorship opportunities and leadership training.
World Learning ACHIEVE – UNHCR DAFI Scholarship Program
For refugees, tertiary education contributes greatly to forging durable solutions to post-conflict reconstruction, promotes social, economic and gender equity, and provides hope and empowerment to students and their families.
Youth Employment Project
The Youth Employment Project established career centers in private vocational training schools in nine cities in Algeria.
Youth Leadership Program with Japan and South Korea
Japan, South Korea
The Youth Leadership Program with Japan and South Korea is U.S.-based exchange that explored the themes of civic rights, leadership, and community engagement