What We Do
About Us
Welcome Message from Carol Jenkins
World Learning believes that the best hope for peace, justice, and sustainability lies in bringing people together. Through cultural immersion, experiential learning, and information sharing, our programs equip others to collaboratively address the most pressing issues of our time.
Throughout my years at World Learning, I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet with many of our participants, partners, and alumni—a global network of learners. Our programs help them understand other cultures, master new skills, and cultivate networks. Our teaching and training methodologies empower them to find locally relevant, sustainable, and implementable solutions. Our approaches emphasize flexibility and adaptability that help them tackle real-world problems.
They, in turn, make extraordinary changes in their lives and communities.
Please join us—and those we work with and serve around the world—in our pursuit to create a brighter and better future for all.
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Media Center
Social Entrepreneurship: A Modern Tool to End Genocide
Member of World Learning's Global Advisory Council and Co-Founder of United To End Genocide, Mark Hanis discusses how social entrepreneurship can be used as a tool to end genocide.
The Experiment in International Living with The Fellowship Initiative on KFI AM
Participants of The Fellowship Initiative, Michael and Ramon joined Elizabeth Espinosa on KFI AM to chat about their experience in South Africa with The Experiment in International Living.
Engaging Women in Peacebuilding and Leadership
On this episode of our podcast series, we will explore the importance of engaging women in leadership roles and peacebuilding processes with Aicha Cooper. Aicha is a member of World Learning's Global Advisory Council and shares how surviving the Liberian civil wars helped shape her into the leader she is today.
Executive Director of The Experiment Aaron Morehouse on US1 Radio
The Executive Director for The Experiment Aaron Morehouse joins US1 explains how our summer study abroad programs help students become leaders.
Empowering Youth with the Power of Science and Technology
During our Global Conference in November, we had a chance to sit down with program directors Hany Atalla and Leah Bitat to discuss how STEM schools in Egypt and TechCamps in Algeria use science and technology to produce a positive impact at the community and global level.
Marketing Director of The Experiment Nara de Sa Guimaraes on Plaidcast
Marketing Director Nara de Sa Guimaraes joins Plaidcast to discuss equestrian programs available through The Experiment.
Gaining Perspective within the Landscape of Global Development
World Learning recently held its yearly Global Staff Conference in Washington, D.C., uniting representatives from 14 countries and 21 unique programs for a week of global development workshops.
Encouraging Environmental Conservation with Alex Dehgan
The co-founder and CEO of Conservation X Labs and one of our esteemed Global Advisory Council members, Alex Dehgan sits down to talk about how NGO's and average citizens can encourage environmental conservation and push for sustainable development solutions.
Youth Exchanges: Bridging Cultures, Transforming Lives
This week on State of Play, we talk to Christina Thomas, who works on both high school study abroad - sending American teenagers overseas as part of the Experiment in International Living - and youth exchanges bringing international students to the U.S. Christina shares the transformative effect international travel and cultural exchange can have for young people, who often say that the experience marked a turning point in their lives.
One Handshake at a Time
Communications Officer Kathryn Schoenberger speaks to Angela Pellegrino-Grant about the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), which brings 4500 distinguish professionals to the U.S. each year for observational study tours to promote public diplomacy.
Talking Cross-Cultural Exchange in Chile
World Learning Board Chair Tom Hiatt speaks to Jordan, a current SIT Study Abroad student in Chile, and Teresa, his host mother, about the unique exchange that takes place when people of two cultures share a home.
Intersection Between Geography and Identity
Join us as we speak to Daniel Jasper about the intersection between geography and how it is important for international development workers to be aware of this rarely discussed factor.
Pluralism and International Development
Join us as we speak to Jena Karim about the philosophy of pluralism as a key component of international development that helps reconcile historically irreconcilable differences between groups through engagement.
Empowering the Next Generation of Young Iraqi Leaders
Communications Officer Kathryn Schoenberger speaks to Rizwaan Akhtar about the Iraqi Youth Leadership Exchange Program (IYLEP), which brings together Iraqi and American youth for programs exploring leadership, teambuilding, and civic engagement.
Boosting Angola’s Healthcare
Vice President of Communications Kimberly Abbott speaks to Jennifer Whatley about her recent trip to World Learning’s Eye Kutuloka project, which focuses on improving the ability of Angola's city governments and nongovernmental organizations to deliver services including health, education, and waste management.
Developing Health Workers’ Skills in Malawi to Save Lives
Vice President of Communications Kimberly Abbott speaks to Sellina Kanyerere about how World Learning is helping to build local medical resources by educating hundreds of health professionals.
Supporting HIV-AIDS Affected Children in Ethiopia
Vice President of Communications Kimberly Abbott discusses with Tahir Gero the strategic interventions World Learning has taken to support families in Ethiopia and keep children in school.
Capacity Building of Key Economic Sectors in the West Bank and Gaza
Vice President of Communications Kimberly Abbott speaks to Chris Bramwell about the USAID program he leads in the West Bank and Gaza, and how it will impact the community.
Boosting Skills and Resilience in Angola
Vice President of Communications Kimberly Abbott speaks to Fern Teodoro about the programs she leads in Angola and how they are affecting people’s lives.
Countering Violent Extremism Among Youth in Iraq
Communications Officer Kathryn Schoenberger speaks to Dr. Al-Nasir Bellah Al-Nasiry about his experience as a participant in the Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP), his current work with Youth in Iraq, and his participation in the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism at the White House.