Virtual Exchanges

Virtual exchanges ensure that every person can connect with the world beyond their community. They offer a door to global awareness and skill-building that can enhance career readiness, expand employment opportunities, and further community activism. Program participants build new relationships and explore critical global issues without leaving their homes.

World Learning has led the way in virtual exchange, launching its first program in 2016 to connect high school students from the United States and Iraq. Since then, the program, The Experiment Digital, has grown to reach more than 5,000 young people in 32 countries. Our virtual programming portfolio now includes virtual exchanges for university and college students, hybrid programs with travel components, and training for educators interested in facilitating virtual exchanges. 

World Learning’s virtual exchanges involve virtual homestays and interactive discussions that foster intercultural awareness, build communication skills, and teach digital literacy. We strategically use games, breakout sessions, and synchronous and asynchronous activities to ensure high levels of understanding and engagement.

Our robust educational frameworks are grounded in an experiential learning approach. Leveraging this expertise and our vast global network, we create dynamic educational opportunities that are inclusive and accessible, helping people to best thrive in our global society.