Advancing Girls’ Education and Skills

Program Achievements 

  • Integration of a new accelerated learning scheme of studies into the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa curriculum 
  • Development of life skills narratives which included interactive, decision-based games to build life skills through examination, intention, and action. 
  • Developed partnerships with highly committed employers, customized training approaches based on employer needs, and supported 200 young women to complete vocational training and obtain long-term employment above minimum wage 


Developing Rehabilitation Assistance to Schools & Teacher Improvement Program II

D-RASATI’s Phase 2 was a $24.5 million, two-year project, initially planned to run from October 2013 to September 2015. The program built on the achievements of Phase 1 and contributed to the implementation of MEHE’s Education Sector Development Plan. World Learning implemented the program to reach the specific objectives of enhancing the learning environments in public schools and providing dynamic learning opportunities for school administrators and teachers, while increasing parent and community involvement in the public school system development. The project involved staff from MEHE and from the Center for Education and Research and Development (CERD) in each of its components to embed institutional capacity building and operational and technical know-how in the structure of Lebanon’s public school system. In response to the situation produced by the Syrian crisis and its impact on the hosting communities and the public education system, D-RASATI 2 received an additional $4.5 million in September 2014 and was extended until March 2016

D-RASATI 2’s activities included developing key strategy and guidance documents for MEHE; a set of standards for extracurricular activities, leadership development, school improvement, and community engagement; a comprehensive national strategy to promote extracurricular activities within the education system including seven modules for schools; an ICT action plan to guide the deployment of ICT across the entire public school system; and training of trainers training materials on ICT, extracurricular activities, leadership development, school improvement, and community engagement.

D-RASATI 2 provided key interactive learning opportunities to public school system administrators on approaches to school development through leadership development and school improvement. This was coupled with continuous mentoring, coaching, and small grants to put learning into action. The project also provided teachers with English language training to improve the delivery of teaching in English, trained teachers with advanced language skills on language instruction and methodology, delivered intensive coaching on integrating ICT in the classroom, and offered training on organizing and delivering extracurricular activities. D-RASATI 2 provided equal opportunity for all to participate in and benefit from its activities.

In addition to the project’s main activities, D-RASATI 2 focused on schools located in communities hosting high concentrations of Syrian refugees to support the Lebanese government efforts to alleviate the pressure on the public education system as a result of the Syrian crisis. The project conducted trainings on human rights-based management skills and psychosocial support skills for school staff in order to improve social cohesion among Syrian refugees in the classroom and community and established a mechanism to closely monitor these activities and measure the reduction in tensions between students at the school level. Stipends were also available to 65 schools to finance teaching and learning materials to satisfy the needs of the increased student population.

For more information, visit the D-RASATI 2 Facebook page.

Egypt STEM Schools Project

The project transformed Egypt’s only STEM school into a collaborative network that served as a catalyst for system-wide STEM education reform. The eleven model schools, established throughout the country, deliver comprehensive support to students, teachers, and administrators, as well as key policy, private sector, and community stakeholders. Through targeted awareness raising, institutional capacity development, teacher training, curriculum development, and student learning assessment, the STEM model schools serve as incubators for future leaders and innovators who will have the potential to advance research and development initiatives that fuel scientific invention and generate employment opportunities and economic growth. By the end of the project:  

  • 11 schools were equipped with science and Fab Lab equipment 
  • 2,799 students (1,586 boys and 1,213 girls) were enrolled in STEM schools 
  • 458 students (294 boys and 164 girls) graduated and went on to higher education in Egypt and abroad 
  • 604 teachers, 62 school administrators, and 503 Ministry of Education officials were trained to maintain and expand the STEM schools 
  • 52 preparatory schools received training and materials to introduce STEM extracurricular activities 
  • 18 public-private partnerships were formed to support the STEM school network 



Kids Can Code

Watch this video from our partner Kano to learn more about Kids Can Code:

Ouargla University Career Center

The CDC provided career services, civic engagement training courses, and professional English training for over 10,000 students at Kasdi Merbah University in Ouargla. 79% of graduates found full- or part-time employment options following graduation. 

Pakistan Reading Project

World Learning led the implementation of all project activities in Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) and in Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) and was responsible for the technical leadership of PRP’s scholarship activities. This included administering thousands of scholarships to Pakistani students studying to earn either two-year associates degrees in education or four-year bachelor of education degrees in select Pakistani universities or Teacher Training Institutes (TTIs). 

In addition, World Learning collaborated with 110 TTIs to strengthen reading and reading assessment training for pre-service teachers by facilitating the development of a reading curriculum for the associates’ and bachelors’ degree programs, training pre-service teachers on the use of teaching and learning materials developed by PRP, and strengthening linkages between practicum schools and PRP intervention schools. The project worked closely with Ministry of Education officials, provincial governments, university faculty, the Higher Education Commission (HEC), and the National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NACTE) to ensure TTIs obtained accreditation of their teacher education programs and revised reading specialization curricula. 


Quality Instruction Towards Access and Basic Education Improvement (QITABI)

The project provides technical assistance and capacity building within the context of three project components:

Component 1: Improving reading outcomes for primary level public school students

QITABI Component 1 focused on improving earlygrade studentsArabic language reading skills in grades 1-4 in 913 primary public schools. The project instituted an early-grade reading assessment to track and monitor students’ reading skills and progress, established an early warning system to identify and support struggling readers, and developed teacher training modules and classroom materials to enhance learning. QITABI provided training and coaching to more than 1,947 primary school teachers and offered day-to-day support through the project’s learning facilitators. QITABI also hosted parent and community awareness reading activities, such as Parent Reading Circles. Additionally, QITABI trained the Ministry’s teacher mentors and the Center for Education and Research and Development’s master trainers to support oversight of the program and professional development for educators. QITABI also provided read-aloud, leveled books, and e-books to enhance reading instruction and learning for more than 100,000 students, ICT equipment (teacher’s laptop, overhead projector, and screen), and digital content to improve classroom learning environments for more than 58,600 students across Lebanon. QITABI helped set up dedicated ICT resource rooms to improve access to digitized teaching and learning materials in 300 schools. 

Component 2: Expanding access to safe and relevant education for vulnerable public school students

QITABI’s Component 2 aimed to increase enrollment and retention of students in the formal education system by addressing barriers to attendance and bettering the school experience. To achieve this goal, the project worked with 300 public schools nationwide, focusing on those in marginalized communities, to equip them with ICT resource rooms and improve the overall school environment. More than 63,000  students benefited from these changes. QITABI also worked with the Lebanese MEHE to build child-friendly schools by developing social and psychosocial support activities and designing and implementing a strategy to bring ICT resources into primary schools. In addition, the project procured and delivered 100 school buses to help 4,800 students gain access to a high-quality education. The buses provided transportation to out-of-school students who live in rural areas, which facilitated basic literacy and numeracy classes and allowed program staff to promote enrollment in formal education. These buses helped up to 5,000 vulnerable out-of-school children and youth gain access to a high-quality education. 

Component 3: Strengthening management (resilience in the education system to better direct and monitor education)

Components 1 and 2’s effectiveness relied on strong institutional systems within MEHE to ensure sustainability. Activities under Component 3 strengthened MEHE’s ability to monitor education services and effectively design and oversee reform efforts. This included stakeholder analysis and policy mapping, compiling and analyzing data collected at the school level, and familiarizing MEHE units and departments with evidence-based decision-making. These activities helped develop and strengthen policies and guidelines for a more resilient Lebanese education system.


  • 913 public primary schools consistently participated in teacher training and coaching, strengthened support systems for struggling readers, received new early-grade reading materials, and increased parental involvement.
  • Through these schools, QITABI activities reached 66,993 students.
  • 1,947 teachers received training and coaching on reading education and student assessments, new classroom resources and materials, and a teacher support network.
  • 529 schools received ICT equipment to improve reading outcomes, and 300 schools received ICT resource rooms to enhance the overall school learning environment.
  • By the end of QITABI’s activities, 78% of students in Grades 1-4 had improved their Arabic reading skills by at least one reading level, 62% had improved by one or two reading levels, and 16% had improved by three or more reading levels.
  • In Grade 2, 1.7% of students improved their oral reading fluency scores, and 2.7% improved their reading comprehension scores. In Grade 3, 2% and 2.5% of students had improved their oral reading fluency and comprehension scores, respectively.
  • The National Student Learning Assessment Framework (NSLAF), developed by QITABI in collaboration with MEHE, is an evidence-based framework detailing appropriate forms of assessment for different levels of schooling and learning. The NSLAF also outlines a capacity development plan to improve literacy assessment practices among the school workforce. This framework was adopted by MEHE and integrated into MEHE’s assessment .

Beginning in 2019, World Learning implemented QITABI 2 as a continuation of the  QITABI project.