DURATION: 09/16/2024 - 12/31/2026
FUNDER: U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
CONTACT[email protected]

Program Description

The Youth Ambassadors Program with Algeria (formally the Youth Leadership Program with Algeria) brings together Algerian and American high school students and adult mentors to promote mutual understanding, increase leadership skills, and prepare youth to make a difference in their communities.

Through pre-travel virtual content and an in-person exchange, Youth Ambassadors participants will engage in experiential learning activities; leadership trainings; civic participation at the community level; mentoring by community, business, and NGO leaders; and engagement with local host families and volunteering. Exchange subthemes include entrepreneurship, digital citizenship, and the environment.

The Youth Ambassadors Program with Algeria is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government. The program is administered by World Learning.

Program Goals

  • To prepare youth leaders to become responsible citizens and contributing members of their communities.
  • Empower participants to be actively engaged in addressing issues of concern in their schools and communities upon their return home.
  • Build mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect through shared culture and values.
  • To foster relationships among youth from different ethnic, religious, and national groups; and
  • To promote mutual understanding, respect and collaboration between the United States and our counterparts across Algeria.

Are you interested in a Youth Ambassadors exchange in the U.S.?

The Youth Ambassadors Program aims to develop a cadre of young adults from Algeria and the United States who have a strong sense of civic responsibility, a commitment to their communities, an awareness of current and global issues, and strong interpersonal leadership skills. The program aims to promote mutual understanding, respect, and collaboration between people in the United States and Algeria, focusing on leadership development, cultural discovery, and community building.

The program takes place in Washington, D.C. and Lake Tahoe, NV, with homestays in Louisville, KY; Murray, UT; Pensacola, FL; Portland, OR; or Seattle, WA​.

Program dates are from July 11-31, 2025, with pre-travel virtual programming from May 20-June 28, 2025.

Apply to the Youth Ambassadors Program for an opportunity to travel to the United States from Algeria. 

Eligibility Requirements (Some requirements vary by program)

All Youth Participants must:

  • Be high school students between 15 and 18 years old (at the start of the exchange);
  • Have at least one semester of school remaining after program participation;
  • Be citizens and residents of Algeria or the United States;
  • Demonstrate leadership aptitude and an interest in community service and in the program theme;
  • Exhibit flexibility, maturity, integrity, good social skills, and open-mindedness;
  • Have the motivation necessary to be active and successful exchange participants; 
  • Have sufficient proficiency in English to participate fully in all exchange activities; and
  • Be able to pass a criminal background record check and be willing to provide the required information for an official background check when asked.

All Adult Educator Participants must:

  • Have current or recent experience working with youth in a high school or community setting;
  • Be citizens and residents of Algeria or the United States;
  • Demonstrate an interest in assisting youth to become productive and responsible members of society;
  • Exhibit maturity and open-mindedness;
  • Be supportive of the teenage participants;
  • Have sufficient proficiency in English to participate fully in all exchange activities; and
  • Be willing and able to meet periodically with selected program participants during the academic year, following the exchange, to support and monitor their follow-on work

The application deadline for the summer 2025 program is Monday, December 23, 2024.

If you don’t see an application link below, the application is currently closed. If you want to be added to a mailing list notifying when the applications open, please click “Request Information” and complete your information.

Application Process

World Learning encourages all qualified individuals to apply, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability status. IMPORTANT: All applications are due by 11:59 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time in the USA) on the designated application deadline. Please make sure that you calculate what time that is in your time zone.

Open Programs

Youth Ambassadors Program with Algeria (To the United States) – Algerian citizens and residents

Youth Algerian Citizen and Resident

Adult Mentor Algerian Citizen and Resident Application

  • Application Open: Friday, November 1, 2024
  • Application Closed: Monday, December 23, 2024, at 11:59 pm Eastern Time

The application deadline for the Youth Ambassadors Program with Algeria is on December 23, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET. Applications must be complete and fully submitted by this deadline. Please note that World Learning’s offices are closed for the holidays from December 21, 2024, through January 1, 2025. Should you have any questions about your application or the admissions process, please contact [email protected] by December 19, 2024.

Youth Ambassadors Program with Algeria (To the United States) – U.S. citizens and residents

Youth U.S. Citizen and Resident Application

  • Application Open: Friday, November 1, 2024
  • Application Closed: Saturday, March 1, 2025, at 11:59 pm Eastern Time

How to Apply

  • Open the application portal and create an account to login. Upon creation of your account, an email was sent to you with instructions to set your password. If you did not receive that email, please check your spam/junk folder and add emails from @worldlearning to your safe list so that you don’t miss any important information.
  • If you do not know your password, you can reset it on the application portal. Please email [email protected] if you need more assistance. Your email should mention that you are applying to the Algeria program.
  • Once you enter the application portal, you will need to choose the correct application for your program. Read the application portal instructions carefully as multiple program applications are listed.
  • We encourage you to save your work in a Microsoft Word document and copy and paste your text into your application in one sitting.

Important Note for All Applicants

World Learning respects the privacy of your personal information. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, protect, store, and use your data. Personal data collected via this application will be used to consider you for participation in, and communicate with you about World Learning Programs. Personal data provided via this application may be transferred to and processed by the U.S. Department of State or other partner organizations, as necessary, to administer World Learning Programs. Youth Ambassadors Applicants below the age of 18 years must have the consent/permission of parent(s) or legal guardian(s) prior to completing the application. World Learning may verify that such consent has been given prior to considering applicants for any World Learning Program.

This Portal may include information which should be considered sensitive and confidential (“Confidential Information”). Such information may include personally identifiable information and sensitive information about the needs or personal circumstances of potential program participants.

In fulfilling your duties you agree not to 1) disclose any Confidential Information, directly or indirectly, to any third party, 2) make use of Confidential Information for purposes other than those for which you have been granted access, and 3) retain any Confidential Information, in any form, following completion of your duties.

Any intentional or inadvertent disclosure, or misuse of Confidential Information, or any conflict of interest or misconduct encountered in discharging your duties should be reported to World Learning immediately.